Despite harsh criticism from my peers regarding this movie, I insisted on going ahead to watch it anyway today . If only for one reason, it’s Will Smith. I have never missed any of his movies and I don’t intend to start now. Yes I admit, I have been a fan of this great man since his Fresh Prince of Bel Air days and it made me proud to see his accomplishments throughout the years, and secondly it’s a science fiction movie. Enough said. I’m sold!
With no knowledge about the book it was based on, I went to see the movie with no expectations, except a few which I will divulge later.
The story begins with a virus which has been genetically engineered by scientists as the cure for cancer and also the destruction of mankind. It centre’s around an ex-navy medical officer Lieutenant Robert Neville (played by Will Smith), which is immune to this ‘virus’ and to his knowledge, he is the last remaining person on earth.
For one thing, I need to give kudos to the graphics team of this movie for the amazing ‘realness’ of an empty New York city which also sent a chill down my spine. Being an ardent sci-fi fan, I could understand the fact that this is a ‘possible’ scenario, the whole wipe-out of the human race plot (which also been played in other numerous other sci-fi movies) But for some reason I never get tired of this plot. Probably because that is much possibility in that fact, and it might even happen overnight. It doesn’t necessarily need to be caused by an air-borne virus, but so many other possibilities, climate, tsunamis, nuclear war, earthquakes, the list goes on. It is a scenario every human need to be aware of.
Ok back to the movie, as Dr Robert Neville aptly puts it, there is only 5 billion people left on the planet but 588million turn into these night creatures which hunts the rest of the human population. Hence why he is the last remaining man (and dog) on earth, and as the movie progressed there were a few points I noted which could have been played out much more interestingly. Due to the lack of human interaction, we are pretty much left with only Will Smith for much of this movie in the beginning, I thought the movie could have done a little more with the backstory or elongating the flashbacks so we could have a deeper understanding of what actually happened. Instead we needed to draw our own weird conclusions. I was left questioning, so it’s a virus, which turns these people cancer-free, and suddenly they turn into morbid flesh eating zombies? Ermm….?? What's missing here?
Also, Will Smith is known to be a smart- ass wise cracker, and he does deliver his straight up humor in wonderful anecdotes, but I really wished he had more lines, even if it’s only talking to himself in his lab, or his dog, and wished he explained things that he does in detail, and why the tests he’s doing are failing. (Yeah I am that nerdy). Nevertheless I felt that Will Smith did manage to portray a tough but deeply psychologically wounded human being, with only his background in military to keep him grounded perhaps,(although he did lose his marbles when the unexpected happened)
Furthermore, I understood the fact that he is a scientist, but I don’t know what is his significance to this ‘virus ‘ research, who is he actually? Why did he feel it’s his ‘ground zero’? What did he do to cause any of this? Also I wished they had shown not just New York city, but other parts of the world as well because I was left wondering, is everyone else still alive across the bridge?
All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, it was an emotional rollercoaster and the directors did manage to convey the horror of a person being ‘hunted’, I was truly terrified and almost screamed in some scenes , but without much backstory I did feel like I was a spectator to a ‘discovery channel’ styled documentary in some parts of the movie, but also ironically adds a lot of realism into it, lastly as a sci-fi fan (and also I’m biased when it comes to Will Smith) I give it a 7 out of 10, and I’m definitely going to read the book. ;P
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Review : I am Legend
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9:02 AM
Sunday, December 9, 2007
The beginning of the end
The beginning of the end.
Sedar tak sedar. Dah masuk bulan terakhir dalam tahun 2007. Bulan penutup. Bulan disember....bulan yang menentukan segalanya.
Normally penghujung2 taon camni lah aku mule merenung balik apa yang telah berlaku pada diri aku. Cube mengingat kembali detik2 indah.. detik2 bahagia.. detik2 suka duka.. time inilah aku akan cube mengingati semuanya.
Kat bilik aku, benda yang paling aktif aku belek ialah kalender. Hehehe. Penoh corat coret dgn macam2. Sesape yang penah dtg bilik aku tahulah kan (ehem2 epy!) Hihihi. Iya, mmg aku suke belek kalender. Ntah ape yang aku tengokkan. Ntah ape yang aku cari. Aku pun tak tahu (Bukan motip kawin okek?) Hihihi.. !!
Sambil2 merenung tu, aku imbas kembali tahun2 sebelumnya.. aduh.. macam2 dah aku lalui zaman2 'roaring twenties ni' first love, heartbreak, second love, heartbreak lagi, friends come, friends go, work changes... family feuds! Family bonding...! *sigh* so many things happened.. dah tue rupenye aku ni... kesihatan pun dah tak se'fit' dulu2.. ihik ihik.. senang sgt dapat penyakit.. pelik jugak, dulu takde pon.
Oh well... so a new year is coming.... 2008 is coming.. full of promise, full of opportunities.. full of mystery...... Tadi masa tgh chat ngan ex-ITM mate aku, tibe2 dia sebot ' eh intan kite dah kenal almost 9 tahun kan intan?" Aku terkejut. CEPATNYA MASA! 9 tahun dah ke kite berkenalan...? Pergh.. cam fresh je dalam pala otak nie zaman2 study dulu.. those were my sweetest memories...seronok sgt.. duduk hostel with roommates..masing2 ade perangai masing2..and ntah macam mana kite boleh rapat skali sampai skrg.. amoi ko pon still termasuk dalam golongan ini okek? Ur still my fave dorm mate! Kepala yang paling gila skali kat ITM tu ko lahh... hahahaha...!! Miss u a lot!
So anyway...cukup lah nostalgia2 ni seme... it's time to look ahead ok guys.. kenangan2 pahit maung yang silam2 tuh silalah ketepikan ye.. simpan bawah bantal ke.. simpan dalam stor room ke.. atau buang jauh2 pun lagi bagus... things happen for a reason.. to make you better.. to make you stronger .. to make you wiser... tanpa itu semua.. tak mungkin kita pelajari erti kehidupan ye tak? (ala2 kate2 choo :P)
So tanamkan azam2 baru anda....tanamkan harapan2 baru anda...and let us be positive...for life is not living if without hope and wishing next year will be a good year for all of us.. amin.... *hugs* :)
Posted by
11:48 PM
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Grrrl Interrupted (2)
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Dimainkan oleh:
Dimainkan oleh:
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10:18 PM
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Tak boleh ke....?
Phone aku berdering hari ni..
Nombor yang tak penah aku tengok
Jadi aku pun angkatlah...
Aku : "Helo?"
StRanGer "Helo, boleh bercakap dengan nurul?"
Aku : "Hah? Sorry wrong number"
StRanGer : "Oh sorry...emm.. awak siapa?"
Aku : "Saya intan..."
StRanGer : "Oh..ok thanks"
ShE Hang up.
Pelik tak...buat pengetahuan korang...' StRanGer' ialah seorang wanita. Memang tak familiar lah suara dia..nombor pun meManG aku tak penah tengok sebelum ni..tapi aku boleh rasa ade yang tak kena...instinct perempuan kan.. sebab aku pun pernah guna taktik yang sama..tapi taktik tu macam dah lapuk la dalam arena moden zaman sekarang ni..hohoho!
Taktik? Taktik ape tu?
Taktik ni usually digunakan oleh girlfriend2 yang kurang mempercayai teman lelaki my case.. ceritanya begini..
I have a best friend.. and he's a guy..dulu pernah la couple skejap (sblom *toot* sekarang ni) tapi tak lame.. in fact 3 bulan je.. hahaha (rebound kot after break dengan *toot* yang satu lagi) Walaupun sekarang kami dah tak bercinta dah.. tapi hubungan kami amat rapat dan mesra...TTM la konon…tapi memang aku anggap dia kawan yang baik…macam-macam pengalaman dah pernah lalui dengan dia…lebih-lebih lagi kalau perlukan pertolongan memang dia dengan segera akan datang membantu…persahabatan kami jujur dan ikhlas…tak dinafikan memang we care for each other (but as friends okek? Not more than that!)
It’s hard to explain. But seriously kitorang dah move on..even sekarang..aku galakkan dia bercinta lagi..dan aku doakan dia juga dapat mengecapi kebahagiaan..sepertimana aku dapat kecapi sekarang..
Tapi sebaliknya pulak yang berlaku
Setiap kali dia bercinta.. mesti tak pernah kekal lama.. sebabnya? Sebab aku. Aku? Yup. Dia secara jujur admit kat semua gf2 yang best friend dia perempuan.. and deorang kena accept that fact and tak boleh marah kalau dia berkawan dengan aku..
Ramai la yang tak boleh terima keadaan tu…
End up dia slalu la gado ngan gf2 dia.. sebab nak pertahankan persahabatan kami ni…
Kadang-kadang aku rasa bersalah pun ada.. rasa sedih pun ada..aku nak sangat dia happy.. move on.. macam aku juga..
Tapi kadang-kadang aku geram pon ada… takkan lah tak boleh kalau perempuan berkawan dengan lelaki.. tak bolehke kalau kawan baik dia perempuan??
Ntahla.. geram frust semua ada..
Berbalik pada stranger tuh...
Tak lama lepas panggilan misteri tu.. best friend aku yang laki tuh call.. dia kata.. dia dan gf dia bergaduh teruk.. tak percayakan dialah.. tak percaya itu ini.. tuduh-tuduh kitorang ada affairlah ape lah.. aku pening! Mungkin sebab aku faham perasaan gf dia tuh kot. Kalau memang betul lar ada something.. seriously aku boleh admit.. tapi.. plissslaaahhh... takde pape kot!
So secara drastik..aku buat keputusan untuk menamatkan persahabatan kami.. aku suruh dia delete semua nombor2 aku ape semua.. don't ever call or sms me again...yelah.. aku tanak di cop sebagai perempuan ketiga ke apa benda.. plislaahh.. maruah aku more than that...aku tanak sebabkan aku.. dia bergaduh dengan gf dia.. tak larat laa.. benda-benda remeh2 camni.. and seriously..aku nak sangat tengok dia happy...
Posted by
12:14 AM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Raye jangan tak raye..
Nak mulakan post ni dengan mengucapkan Happy Burfday to our friend A.B!! hehehe...Burfday yg ke berapa..? Yang ke *toot* ! Takpe biar tua usia tapi jiwa muda okek ab? :p
Sebenarnya kan..aku rasa mcm tahun ni aku paling banyak beraya...beraya mcm tak penah raya..semangat sungguh nak ke open house apa semua..sampai kene bebel2 pon ade (ehem choo tahu je la..sape yg membebel kan..)Sampai sesat pon ade.. Tapi x kire..disebabkan raya dtg setahun sekali je..apalah salahnya mengharungi penat lelah dengan menziarahi kawan2 lama...merapatkan silaturahim..menghabiskan makanan dan ofcoz bercerita ttg kehidupan masing2..rindulah korang semua...macam tak puas nak borak2 lagi..that's why I gagahkan myself.. hahaha!
Nak bercerita pasal last weekend (bukan pasal arsenal lawan MU okek) tapi nak bercerita pasal open house la.. ape lagi...
Hari Sabtu - 3/11/07
Open house di rumah Epy di Sri Damansara.... dari pukul 2.30 sampailah 5.30 aku kat sana hehehe..lama kan...?? Seronok la dapat jumpa fyd (tak sempat bergambar laaaa ngan u fyd!), choo, zax, ieta.. tapi sayang tak sempat nak bergambar dgn ieta.. di atas sebab2 yang kat umah epy.. nasi lemak... rendang ayam... lontong.. ketupat pulut dan sebagainya..mmg sedap...makan dengan kadar yang amat banyak arituh...dan di hiburkan dengan persembahan2 artis2 jemputan antaranya cara2 mengupas telur yang terpantas (dari apis) dan shortcut melipat kain (dari zax)..dapat hadiah plak tu..first time pegi open house dapat hadiah.. tenkiu choo..!! Hehehe...Di bawah ade sebahagian dari gamba2 arituh..
Hari Ahad open house Kakak (Saliza) di Puchong, she's my ex-ITM friend...first time beraya ke rumah dia.. kami buat potluck... nurul masak laksa, shasha bawak satay hj samuri, iza bawak kfc, and aku bawak dessert tart buah...anak2 kakak comel... tapi memang lasak dan notii...!! Sama macam emaknye.. huhuhu!! Di bawah sebahagian gamba2 haritu tapi malangnye..bateri kong pulak (yelah patut beli 4 tapi terbeli 2 je bateri)Mane tak kong kamera tu..terkejut juga dengan si aiman..suka bergambar rupanya budak ni.. amboiiii... :D
Lepas tuh macam kelam kabut sikit sebab sedar tak sedar dah pukul 5.. (ada jemputan ke rumah kawan yang satu lagi memang tak sempat- sorry ye Sub bukan sengaja tak mau pegi...) kami pun straight pergi Shah Alam untuk open house Yatie aka L|ss... rindu jugak la dengan dia...sebab lama sangat tak jumpa dia.... choo nak cerita ke bab kitorg tunggu choo sampai kat mcd tu? Hahahahaha!!! Anyway hidangan di rumah yatie cedap sgt2... nasi tomato ngan ayam masak merah...nyum nyum...pastu anak2 dia plak comey2... well done yatie! :P
So mcm tulah lebih kurang cerita open house last weekend.. seronok dapat jumpa korang semua..yelah masing2 sekarang selalu sibuk dengan kehidupan masing-masing kadang-kadang susah kita nak meluangkan masa kan.. hope to see all of you again..soon... :)
Posted by
12:04 AM
Labels: Raya Lagi
Monday, October 29, 2007
Sinopsis Raya
Setiap kali menjelangnya Hari Raya.. aku tak berapa pasti apakah perasaanku.. Happy? Excited? Seronok? Hm.. susah nak cakap.. mungkin sebab factor usia yang telah sedikit sebanyak meluluhkan semangat rayaku ataupun disebabkan oleh banyak factor2 lain…yang susah hendak ku luahkan di sini…yang nyata Hari Raya bagiku tidaklah semeriah korang semua.. tapi tuh dah masuk topic lain plak.. post ni nak cerita yang hepi2 je.. okek!!
Tahun ni first time aku balik beraya ke kampong my dad di Kampung Manjoi, Ipoh, Perak (He’s not my real father but he’s been married with my mom for 5 years, and setakat ni aku happy sebab dia baik terhadap kami sekeluarga..and yang penting a good companionship to my mom…) Dan inilah kali pertama aku pulang beraya sekali dgn keluarga ku ke sana.. Seblum2 nie my mom pernah balik beraya ke sana tapi disebabkan oleh banyak faktor2 luaran dan dalaman diriku ini yang rumit.. aku sengaja tak ikut mereka pulang beraya (ape yang tak kena ngan aku ni.. yek..) Truth is aku bukan tak mahu tapi aku tak biasa .. segan pon ada kot.. yelah aku tak kenal sorang pon kat sana.. seganla ..aku ni kan pemalu hehehe…ntahlah.. complicated subject huh? Tapi lain pula kisahnya kalau pulang beraya ke Indon..(kampong mama) cepat aje aku siap packing !! Hehehe…!
Lagi satu aku rasa agak sedih dan kekurangan sebab aku rindu kat adik aku yang jauh nun di perantauan … yelah adik aku lahir pagi raya.. so setiap pagi raya aku slalu wish dia Happy Burfday.. huwaaa ..!! Dah 2 tahun beraya tanpa dia.. sedeh woo.. so korang better appreciate adik2 korang.. dulu masa kekecik aku slalu buli dia.. tapi skarang dah besar dia je yang memahami kakak dia yang gila ni…this post dedicated to you Shawal!!! Hehehehe…
Sehari Sebelum Hari Raya
Kami pulang sehari seblum hari raya.. iaitu hari Jumaat bersamaan dengan 12/10/07.. naik van besor plak tuh.. tak ramai pon cuma aku, mama and my dad.. hehehe.. seblum tuh kami singgah untuk pickup Kak Leha . Siapa Kak Leha? Dia kakak my dad. Kire makcik aku lah… Dia ngan Shera (anak bongsu dia) ikut sekali kami pulang ke Ipoh. Husband dia and anak2 dia yang lain ikut naik keta lagi satu kat belakang, kire mcm konvoi lah…sedar tak sedar (maknanya aku tertidur la sepanjang perjalanan) kami dah sampai Ipoh and ngam2 time berbuka puasa.. my dad dulu kerja Hotel Exelsior kat Ipoh for a long time (I think 15 years kot) seblum dia pindah ke KL…so kami pon pergilah makan buffet di sana.. sampai je kat sana kami dijemput makan mcm tetamu VIP plak hohohoho! Sedap sedap semua makanan dier…yang paling aku suke pita bread tuna sandwich dier…mcm ala2 KFC cheesy melts tapi yang ini dalam nye pakai tuna
Lepas makan and solat Maghrib kami meneruskan perjalanan ke Hotel Heritage, Ipoh. Sesampainya di sana aku sebilik ngan anak2 dara Kak Leha, namely Shera and Farra (kiut2 deorg ni, Shera still high skool, si Farra plak baru 21 kut.. baru start bekerja) kitorang end up tgk tv sampai lewat malam sambil berborak.. mcm slumber party pulak!
Pagi Hari Raya
Pagi raya kami semua cecepat bersiap untuk beramai2 ke masjid untuk menunaikan solat Hari Raya, tapi sebelum tu kami pickup Fatin and Khairul (my dad’s children.. kire my siblings jugak la kan) we went to pick them up from their mother’s place (confusing kan? ) So anyway kami pergi Masjid Tambun, Ipoh, untuk menunaikan Solat Raya...untuk pengetahuan korang dah lama gila tak pegi sembahyang raya..sebabnya selalu 'raya awal' hehehehe.. lepas solat kitorg berkumpul di rumah Kak Esah (my dad’s eldest sister) , introduced to new cousins….. namely Lila n Nana...Semua berkumpul kat sana coz Tok Tamin (granddad) is still alive and well (although he has lost his voice and some of his memory)… sambil2 makan, borak2… tangkap2 gamba…kami meneruskan perjalanan ke rumah Makcik Bedah (random grand-aunty), makcik zai (random grand aunty), LEPAS TU... sambung makan beraya ke rumah Kak Bibah (my dad’s third elder sister) kat sini makan nasi tomato hehehe..berkenalan dgn cousin2 lagi.. nadia n fatihah.. lepas tu..pegi Pak Ucu’s house (my dad’s younger brother) more cousins….. and lastly Tok Su’s house (random grand-uncle). Serious I tak berapa nak ingat ramai sangat nama2...and probably got a lot of the names mixed up too hahahaha...!! Tapi seronok la sebab dapat berkenalan dengan ramai sedara-mara and dapat makan dengan kuantiti yang maksimum hehehe :P
Di bawah adalah sebahagian daripada gamba-gamba pada hari raya pertama, semua nya candid..sebab bila di ajak berposing semuanya malu2 kucing (kononnyelahhh hahahaha)And then disebabkan akulah cameraman jadi tak banyaklah gambar aku hehehe! Jeles pulak tengok si dosh ngan choo berposing sakan di hari raya...! Hehehehe... :P
Raya Ke-2
We went to beraya at my dad’s friend’s house (lupa lagi nama pakcik tu) and then we went to Taiping, went to Aunty Wan’s house kat Aulong, she’s my mom’s best friend and got to meet Shafinaz (her daughter).She's my age and lama gila tak jumpa dia...masa we all duduk Taiping dulu selalu lah kemana2 dgn Shafinaz..ballet class lah.. pianolah... but now she's happily married and haritu sempatlah jumpa her hubby and baby Aniq! He’s soooo cute…!!Shafinaz siap cakap ‘ Nani dah ada satu, Intan bila lagi?” Aaaaaaaaaaaa skarang pon nak satu kalau boleh hehehehe! So anyway lepas puas beraya kat Taiping (adelah lagi 2,3 buah rumah lagi) we all balik Ipoh.
Raya Ke-3
Raya ketiga kami semua check out dari Heritage, pastu singgah jap kat rumah kak Bibah (coz si Nadia buat nasi lemak) and then singgah my dad’s ex-wife’s sister’s house (confuse jugaklah kan?) Lepas tuh zoooom… bertolak pulang ke KL
Begitulah synopsis Raya pertama sampai Raya ketiga aku… Raya keempat aku dah mula kerja dah.. jadi takde la kisah2 raya lagi.. beraya2 apa semua on the weekend aje..
First weekend (20/10 - 21/10) - beraya my aunty kat Subang and relatives in Melaka
Second weekend (27/10 - 28/10) beraya rumah my pet sis kat Kajang
This coming weekend (3/11 - 4/11) - beraya rumah Epy kat Sri Damansara(insyallah) and rumah Kakak (Saliza) kat Puchong (insyallah)
Di sebabkan raya kan sebulan jadi masih ada kesempatan untuk aku wish Selamat Hari Raya... mari kita beraya sakan..tapi jangan terlebih makan.. hua hua hua!! :P
Posted by
11:22 PM
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Besdey Sirkehh

Posted by
6:03 PM
Friday, October 5, 2007
It's the weekendddddd!
I just love the weekend.. today is Saturday.. and I have no plans... YET. My bf suggested we go to williams for buka puasa.. ntahla tatau lagik. I wanted to go to Kedai Telekom to buy myself a modem... have a goal to fix my pc this weekend. MUST STICK TO GOAL!
Let's see what are my short terms goals this week:
1) Must fix pc- buy modem, or whateva it takes to get it running
2) Cantikkan my bathroom. - the mirror is cracked, and ade org cakap tak elok simpan cermin retak kan? I dont know, but it just looks hedious.
3) To eat at Williams
4) To eat at Bukit Bintang seafood place
5) To bring my special someone to a special place (but dat one tunggu end of this month la...tak cukop budget maa...) I will story on it later...
The other day, my mom suggested I write in my free time. She says I’m good at writing.. hmm really? I don’t think so, I mean my vocabulary is quite limited and I don’t really know a lot of big words, but I guess I do have a way of telling things huh.
I used to write on and on and on about what I was going through… I wonder where did all my diaries gone? I had three of them. I don’t remember.
To tell the truth there’s a lot of things I choose not to remember throughout my life. I tend to ignore or block them out of my memory. That’s why I’m so bad with names and faces. I really don’t remember a lot of my schoolmates or teachers.
Those were the toughest times of my life…. High school.. I was neither a braniac .. or popular. I had three friends who I still kinda remember.. Julia (best friend) Fauzah (the sweet girl) and Faidzah (the brain) I don’t normally hang out with them altogether..mostly one on one.. and I tend to spend a lot of time alone. It was easier that way. It was easier not to get too attached with anyone, I guess I was feeling kind of embarrased about who I was at the time, just felt out of place in such a posh school, and I just couldn’t wait to get it over with. My mom never knew about what I was going through, I just didn’t find the need to tell her…. I never told anyone. Except my diaries. (Damn! I still don’t know where there are) I guess it’s better that way, I don’t need to remember them anyway.
Oh well, those were the past, and there were many versions of me back then.. me the aloof student, me the estranged and rebellious daughter, and me the deep-thinking emotional writer. Do you think I’m weird? Tough times but I guess I managed to pull through , and not think of details too much. My memories of my younger days are riddled with holes… Holes I don’t care to fill. Is that worrying? Is my future dependant on my past? I think not. To me, it doesn’t matter who you are, or what you’ve done in the past… BUT what’s more important is what you do today that will determine your future.
Posted by
6:52 PM
Thursday, October 4, 2007

Posted by
11:44 PM
Things I discovered today
Post ini adelah kesinambungan post intan yg seblom ni.. iaitu mengenai kwn2..
Bila bace balik komen choo.. mmg betol lah kate2 nya. Tak semua kwn2 kite 'klik' dgn kawan2 kite yg lain. Kdg2 susah btol nak jaga hati semua org kan. Tak menjangkau lah kalau intan kate choo tuh bijaksana. Ade org kate (org..hmm sape org tu) tak boleh kah kite berkwn je ngan semua org..slagi org tu tak buat salah kat kite..adilkah kalau kite menjauhi die? (Kalau mmg die ade wat salah kat kite tu lain cerite lah kan)
Contohnye lah kan.. kalau ade kwn kite yg buat salah dgn kwn kite yg lain.. adilkah kalau kite juga memusuhi org yg buat salah itu? Jgn jadi mcm budak2 lah..takde salahnye kite berkwn je ngan dia kan? (mudahnya bila ditaip di sini.. tapi utk betul2 melakukannya??) Yeah right. Difficult. Tersepit. Terjepit. Mengah.Lelah seme ade. Kalau ade Sesape yang mengetahui mengenai topik ni.. silalah share dgn kami..
Anyway, I decided to change template like dis one much better hehe.. (iklan plak skejap)
So berbalik dgn topik tersebut. Choo ade mention yang intan ni "very2 positive when confronting conflicts. i admire that!"
Ahaks! ye ke choo? *terharu skejap* aDe org laen pon pnah cakap cenggitu..positip ke intan nih choo....tuelah..I try to be... Sebab tak suke kot conflict2 nie. Rimas kan? Intan nie jenis stretpowed jer. Kdg2 terlampau stretpowed. (Tang ni pon susah gak! :P ) Mebe as I grow up I realise friends are very important to me. Mengenangkan I come from broken family...I ade emak dan adik laki soang je... jadi kwn2 je lah tmpt I mengadu, bertanya dan bermanja (cEwAh!) So bagiku kwn2 terlalu penting dlm kehidupanku (I'm sure a lot of people out there feel da same) and kalau boleh taknaklah buat sesape terasa hati.. lebih2 lagi raya nak dekat ni.. tak elok bermusuh-musuhan lelame.. tak elok tu.. (the positip in me speaking)
Ntah lah choo.. susah soal kwn2... sensitip. Hanya mereka yg terlibat akan tahu whut actually going on...org2 luaran garuk pale jek (ape ntah melalut nih) Satu lagi kesukaran yg intan hadapi skrg ni ialah apabila kwn2ku adalah kwn2 bfku....... Hmm.. pening tak. So kalau dia ade poblem ngan kwn2 dia (yg juga kwn2ku) sesape scara tak lsung.. i pon tersepit lagi (Aduh!) Ni tak reti nak handle lagi..ade sesape ade pengalaman mcm ni tak. Mintak pendapat sket.
Berbalik ke topik positip lagi...
Hari ni I sebnarnye nak wish Slamat Pertunangan kepada Nonie dan Malan ...(lame dah i kenal nonie nih.. tapi dah lame dah lost contact sejak dia bermastautin di UK ..) nampak sgt intan ni ketinggalan sebb baru tadi surf frenster n baru realize dia dah bertunang..u look great AND happy...intan doakan smoga dipercepatkan jodohnye.. Amin.. :)
And satu lagi.. nak cerita pasal kwn lama satu lagi Emma...penah berkecimpung berkerja di atas udara ....orgnye comel n kecik je.. tapi kalau bercakap kalah tren.. laju nak mampos. Anyway, baru2 nie terjumpa dia balik and dia ceritalah dia dah sethn lebih kat KL coz contract dah habis...!!! (tuelah sbb lost contact kan) pastu ader jumpa dia lagi dalam dua tiga kali lepas tu... pastu baru2 ni dia dah fly pulak ke Oman! Last minit dia dapat tau..Aiseh.. kurang lagi sorang member...Dia dpt offer keje ngan Oman air.. and contract 3 thn.. Apepun sronok dpt jumpa u balik Emma...sorri la sebab ceta pasal u plak kat blog i nih hehehe...dah terlajak bercerita pulak kih kihkih.. anyway jage diri bebaik di sana tau...
Lastly..sometimes hati kita tergerak utk melakukan sesuatu kebaikan.. walopun kdg2 perasaan tuh dtg skejap2 aje....tapi bila perasaan tu dtg...jgnlah ia di sia2kan.
will write more soon
Posted by
8:57 PM
Pesanan ikhlas dari hatiku..
Pesanan ikhlas dari hatiku ...
aku tahu la aku tak baper rapat ngan korang kan..
tapi mcm mana nak cakap ek
kdg2 rase kekok juga nak setat berbicaranye..
nak bahasakan diri pun mcm tak reti..kdg2 intan, kdg2 i, kdg2 kite, kdg2 aku, hmm pakai hantam ajelah boleh? Jgn marah ek..
Cemana nak setat..ntah la..skrg ni pon ramai kwn2 dah mbawa haluan masing2..kdg2 nk bkwn pon susah..nak jage hati ramai org kdg2 penat, berat, perit, perut pon aku nak rapatkan diri dgn sengaja kat korang boleh? :P
/intan menempel dgn tak malunye kat sue hani ngan lindosh..n kalau boleh to all her friends yg dah lame x jumpa...
di harap kehadiran ku ini dpt diterima dgn hati yg terbuka.. aicehh...! :P
Teringin gak nak tgk style rambot botang hahaha! Lindosh..semlm aku ade tgk jiran aku dgn style rambut baru..stylo seh..ala2 victoria beckham (panjang kat depan , pendek kat blakang) tapi takla sependek posh tuh.. nanti aku try carik gambo keh…tapi tak syg ke ambot panjang tu??
Posted by
12:16 AM
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Best steak I ever had...Yummy...!!

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11:45 PM
Is JCO really here??
After much 'hype' and 'buzz' over the pavilion I decided to go ahead and check it out for myself..among the many questions in my head was "is it opened yet?" "how will it look like inside?" "will the jco be as good as the one in jakarta?"
Well I shall soon find out.
From my office to the pavillion was just about 5 minutes by car, and as I was approaching it (from Jalan Kia Peng, you know, where the Orange club was) I could see there's an entrance fom the back with an escalator leading up into it! Pretty convenient if I wanted to walk from my office (which is near UOA building) it should just be a 10 minutes walk to JCO Heaven! It can also act like a shortcut to Bukit Bintang. How cool was that.
Okay to people out there who are not familiar with the heavenliness of JCO, it is a donut outlet. Not just any donut! It's the softest, yummiest, creamiest donut of all time! Try it once and you are hooked! My fave is cheese donut. Yep you heard me right. Cheese on donuts? Who created this miracle? I just want to kiss their feet! Who would've thought! Two of my fave foods rolled into one. Now you understand my crazy fascination with them.
I went there with my other half, and had promised to meet my friends at Laksa Shack. Neither of us knew where that was, so while searching for Laksa Shack, we explored Pavillion. Many shops are already opened with a mixture of high-posh and street-cred stores all mixed up together. Very lavish and cool at the same time. I suddenly felt very comfortable surrounded by familiar labels, and gushed at new ones (One of my fave there was Marc Jacobs)
At last we arrived at Laksa Shack (Lower ground floor) and met Epy, Zax, and Ita there, and they have already bought JCO'S! Yay! (saves me from queing up!) I glanced at the JCO outlet and it was packed with people and people were queing up for miles and miles!) WOW! I was so proud of the impact JCO has on Malaysians.
So we had our buka puasa at laksa shack (I had the laksa johor) and had two JCO donuts for dessert (cheese and snowy!) and it was definitely the most satisfying dessert I had ever had during this years Ramadhan. Alhamdulilah...hehehe
Anyway after we had finished, we roamed around pavillion for a little bit and took silly pictures of ourselves (well Zax took silly pics of us anyway) and overall had a fun time...right now I'm counting the days until I get to go to JCO again to satisfy my donut addiction..ngeee!! :P
Posted by
9:53 PM
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Last weekend romance with...... butter prawns
Last weekend I've made plans to meet up with my Uitm Melaka mates for buka puasa on Saturday. We originally made plans to go to Puteri, tapi dat nite tmpt tu ada function so kene tukar plan, thanks to all becoz participate with all the last minit screw ups! (and kene tahan dgn kerenah ketua projek nie! Opps! :P)
So I changed the venue to Hartamaz Square. Convenient enough and ample parking space. And of course, the world famous butter prawns (oh well I'm probably exagerating a wee bit) Juju, a close friend of mine from Kelly's introduced me to them last year and I have started a whirlwind romance with the buttered prawns ever since)
Thanks so much shasha, nurul, iza, che tun, andrita for coming (of coz sampaikan ucapan terima kasih kepada teman2 lelaki dan suami2 anda kerana dtg juge hehehe) So kitorg pun lepak kat sana.. order makanan and minuman (gelas2 besar masing2 hehehe... byk yg order watermelon.. nie semua pasal shasha la nie..!)
Kebetulan Iza and Jai dtg bwk their tunang albums.. so sambil menunggu waktu berbuka..kami pon dok belek2 album2 tu.. sambil2 pot pet pot pet..."sape ni iza... sape tu iza..." or "nie mak jai ke.. mana satu bapak jai" Mcm2 komen2 para2 juri.. sempat jugak kami tanye iza tarikh the big day.. july next insyallah katenya..aku pun doakan semoga semua berjln lancar yea iza.. aminn..


Nurul, me and Che Tun!

Posted by
9:28 PM
Welcome to me the Cookie Monster!
Well at last I've made a decision to start blogging again. There's so many sites out there sampai pening kepala nak pilih.. tapi sbb lindosh n sue pun ade kat sini, so I pun pilih la site ni. Majority wins! Hinss.. hinss..!!
Well to start things off, I just wanted to wish selamat berpuasa to all my friends yg Muslim and selamat menyambut hari raye yg bakal tibe.. ahakss..! Just two more weeks to go woo hoo! Hows all your preparations? Baju raya? Kueh mueh? Speaking about kuehs, I've made a promise to myself NOT to buy any raya cookies this year.Unfortunate. I know. Not that I tanak meng'support' kaum bumiputera .. but becoz I really really really need to start saving!! (Intan where did all your money go? bla bla bla bla bla -my mom's voice ringing in my head) That is a whole other topic altogther. And I know, once I start buying one type of cookies I can't stop! (Cookie addiction. Yes, I am the living breathing Cookie Monster) And this is the WORST time of the year with all those cookies out there!! Samprit is my all time FAVE! Of course there's almond london, butter cookies, tarts (I can go on and on and on on this topic if you notice)
Oh well, to cut a long story short, this post is just a welcome message to myself, and I really wish I have more time to write more. All the best to other cookie monsters out there.. and may the force be with you...
will write soon
Posted by
9:05 PM